The Ring Launch
Case Study Quick Facts: Ring Launch
Case Study Name: The Ring Launch
Who: Chet Womach
Niche: A hobby niche, exact niche undisclosed
First Launch Total Sales: $17,000.00
Second Launch Total Sales: $74,000.00
Additional Facts:
- First launch paid for his engagement ring to his fiance (now wife) Sally. Second launch should pay for an around the world trip for his first anniversary. :-)
- Chet says that by using a coordinated product launch, he has been able to dramatically raise his prices. His second launch had a price point of $197, when the highest price he had ever sold at before was $97.
- During his second launch, he sold 16 units in the first 15 minutes (that is $2,995.00 in sales) and 191 units in the first 24 hours (that is $37,627.00 in sales).
- Both of these launches were in a "hobby" niche - they were NOT in the "Internet Marketing" niche.
- KEY POINT: Chet's first launch was based entirely on the presentation that is included on the DVD in Product Launch Formula. He did NOT have my entire course yet - it wasn't available at that time. For the SECOND launch, he had my entire course... and his results improved from $17k to $74k. That is an improvement of 435%.
- According to Chet, these tactics work great in small niches, because those markets have never been exposed to Product Launch Formula techniques.
- His next launch will be for a continuity product (a monthly subscription service) in the $25 a month range. Chet is already deep into the planning for this launch.
- Congratulations Chet... great job! Let me know when you do that launch for your monthly subscription product!!
For more information, go to: Product Launch Formula
To Your Success,
Rusty K.
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