Thursday, July 14, 2005

Product Launch Formula

Lately it seems like everything is in pre-launch.
And every time you turn around you are hearing
about "product launch this" and "product launch

Personally I am getting pretty sick of it...

HOWEVER, I just saw a pretty amazin*g Case Study of
a product launch in a tiny little niche - and this
ha*d NOTHING to do with "Internet Marke*ting".

In fact, this launch was by a marketing "newbie"
(by his own a*dmission)... and he launched a *$37
ebook in a hobby niche.

The results?

A cool *$32k+ in a single week.

This is one Case Study that we can all learn
something from... and it's available for fre*e (at
least for now). Check it out now:

Product Launch Formula - Case 1

Best regards,
Rusty K.
Product Launch Formula

PS: Product launches for the masses! That is what
this Case Study is all about... you don't need a
high-priced product, and it doesn't have to be a
"make money" product. Go watch this Case Study now:

Product Launch Formula - Case 1